
NSLI-Y is a unique educational experience abroad. Activities will vary by program and host location and may differ from past years. NSLI-Y may adjust or cancel program activities or components if needed, particularly for health and safety reasons.

Participants and their families can expect the following:

  • An immersive environment allowing participants to experience daily life in the host community
  • Rigorous language instruction and coursework
  • Cultural learning activities
  • A host family experience
  • A highly structured schedule with a limited degree of independent activities, which may include free time to explore local restaurants and cultural sites, and commuting to school on public transportation
  • Dedicated staff who:
    • Are available to participants and families for health and safety emergencies
    • Communicate in a clear manner to participants, families, and partners
    • Ensure program implementation is in accordance with NSLI-Y operating policies and U.S. Department of State program standards
  • Participants must be:
    • Mature and able to live abroad without their usual support system nearby
    • Prepared to navigate challenges inherent to a cross-cultural immersion experience
    • Meet participation requirements
    • Able to communicate with program staff on their own behalf before and during the program

The NSLI-Y program cannot:

  • Accommodate participant and/or family requests to customize the program schedule, location, coursework, travel plans, and/or host family composition or placement
  • Guarantee the same daily routine, lifestyle, technology access, diet, activities, healthcare, and freedoms that participants experience in the United States
  • Provide an absolute guarantee of participants’ health or safety while abroad as there is inherent risk in any travel. However, the NSLI-Y program will take necessary steps to safeguard the health and safety of participants to the greatest extent possible
  • Require staff to:
    • Provide instant responses to routine, non-emergency questions, especially outside of regular business hours
    • Provide the same degree of individual care or attention a participant receives from family at home.
    • Accept disrespectful language or behavior from participants or their families